
My personal fork of suckless' Dynamic Window Manager
Started on October 8, 2021
Built with C
Free and Open Source under the MIT/X Consortium License

This is my personal fork of the suckless tool, Dynamic Window Manager (dwm), that I use on any computers where workflow is deemed critical.

My changes/patches

Here are the biggest changes and patches I applied to this fork of dwm:

  • Gruvbox Dark themed
  • Uses JetBrains Mono as the font
  • MODKEY set to Super
  • Added the following patches from the suckless website:
    • swallow
    • cursorwarp
    • fullgaps
    • hide_vacant_tags
    • sticky and stickyindicator
    • bottomstack
    • there may be more… I have no idea lol
  • A couple keybinds are not stock (compared to vanilla dwm):
    • Quitting dwm rebinded to Super+Shift+BackSpace and confirms quitting with a script
    • The increments to resize the master area have been decreased
    • Launching dmenu launches a binary called dmenu_run_history which I found online somewhere, literally no idea where I found it lol. Eventually I’ll patch it into the window manager code instead someday
    • Launching the terminal is bound to a script that launches Alacritty in the same directory as the current terminal window

You can find more information about how to install and the license information on the repository.