Django Blog

The old Django blog that powered the long-forgotten
Started on February 27, 2022 and ended on December 2, 2022
Built with Python, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Free and Open Source under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0

This was the old Django project that originally powered with Gunicorn before I realized three things:

  1. I hate Python.
  2. The design path I chose was pretty bulky; it took up a lot of unnecessary space.
  3. The way I was creating the blogs and project pages made a static site generator look more appealing.

As a result, the new static website was born with Hugo!


  • Automated install and database migration with
  • Creation of blogs and project pages with the django-markdownfield package
  • Cool FontAwesome icons
  • Mobile friendliness with Bootstrap CSS
  • Gruvbox sweetness